
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Taking the Battle to the Enemy

As Overcomes through Christ, we are reminded in scripture and testimony of our Birthright through the blood of Jesus, and that through Him all things are possible. But too often we look, even expect, that our success, deliverance, manifested blessing, will be in the future. In fact, some may have resigned themselves to the false belief that Heaven is where we will see all of God’s promises fulfilled, and that our time here on earth is subject to the whims and wiles of the flesh, the world, and the enemy satan himself.
But that’s not what the Bible tells us. In fact, you can find several examples of God’s people not sitting idly by waiting but rather taking the battle to the enemy and claiming what our Saviour Jesus Christ has made ours!
Consider Daniel as a young man, how rather than waiting for Goliath to come to him ran to defeat the enemy, knowing full well that victory was his. And the friends of the paralyzed man, who overcame the physical barriers of the crowd around Jesus and a roof (!) to insure he was able to be touched by Jesus, in full faith that he would be healed. Why, even the apostles, facing a hungry audience with a mere five loaves and fishes, rather than waiting for “manna from heaven”, went forward in faith and began to feed everyone.

Today, consider what you have asked our Heavenly Father in prayer and, believing you have received, accept it. If it is a new job, begin making plans as you would when it manifest. Maybe it’s sending a Thank You letter to the hiring manager. If it is healing, talk about it in the present tense. The world has a saying for this “positive thinking”. And there is some truth in that. But we know that God delights in providing exceedingly and abundantly for His children. And while there are times of trial and patience, just as with our own children, this is not the everyday norm. Pray with expectation. Give thanks. Take the battle to the enemy through your actions, words, and countenance. Watch God show Himself faithful!